CogniSign Blog

News, updates and commentary on CogniSign products and the world of image recognition technology.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How, specifically, is the CogniSign technology more "human like"?

The key features mentioned in the previous entry are an important starting point in explaining why our technology is more human like. Research has shown that when humans look at a person, object, or other image content, their attention moves from one key feature to the next. This “scanpath” (a more technical term from the cognitive fields of study focusing on human vision) can also be described as “serial attention” or the movement of visual attention from one key feature to the next in a serial manner. Research shows that serial attention is a key part of the human visual system, even in cases where no eye movement can be detected. Our technology moves from key feature to key feature, emulating the human visual cognition process, and the result is a more powerful visual search algorithm. It is similar in important ways to the human visual system, but at the same time is more suitable for computer processing.


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